Pinterest Guide

How I went from burned out from IG to loving social media with Pinterest

(OH, and how it helped drive more traffic to my website!)

Why I love Pinterest:

  To put it simply: I believe Pinterest wants you to succeed. Part of their mission is to create kindness on the app, and we all need more of that in our life!

More specifically, the content you put on Pinterest lives on and on. Instead of your content living and dying within 24 hours like most platforms, content on Pinterest can last for months and sometimes years! AND the more consistent you are and the longer you pin, the more traffic you will get!

Consistency is Key

There are several strategies and pins that perform better than others which you will learn over time, but as soon as you are consistent you will see results! The first 3 months I was consistent I saw more traffic to my website, instagram and doubled my sales for the following quarter! My advice: keep it simple and use all the content you have already created.

Other platforms are the "Chads" you date. Pinterest is the one you marry.

— Kelsey Sniegowski RD, LD

Fall in love with Pinterest

Fall in love with Pinterest ⋆